fit for a french girl

Fleur de Lys button-down shirt:
I'm feeling extra literal today.
While I hate to admit it, there's a definite difference between being raised French in San Francisco, and actually being French from France-land. Nonetheless, I try and dress myself with the same effervescent "pop" that stylish French women undoubtedly have with their fashion choices.
If there's anything the fashion set likes it is a bunch of layers. I am also prone to this love, and never thought I too could pull off the jacket-over-shoulders layered look.
But look Mamman, I DID IT!!
I actually more give credit to Adrienne for inspiring me/teaching me her wondrous ways of doing the jacket-over-shoulders look. I mean, she nailed the "wearing 25 things at once" thing fucking forever ago. That's what BFFs are for, right?
Jackie Groffman