dusty bluez + brandy bootz

Oh wow, where has the time gone?? Jackie and I have been super busy these past few weeks. 2014 has been treating us very well: I became the manager of the store that I work at and Jackie started at a brand new job! Very exciting times for StyleBFFs.
Also in exciting news, I just purchased my first pair of Coclico boots and I've worn them everyday since I took them out of their box. I recently downloaded Gilt ( I know, I know...a bit behind on the online shopping trends) but man am I happy that I learnt about this awesome site. These Coclico boots were almost half off, so it was an obvious decision...Have you been noticing a lot of dusty blue recently? I'm all about this spring color. When I saw this jacket at J.Crew about a month ago, I completely swooned over it, to the point where I was bringing in family and friends to show them. I knew it was a sign from the fashion gods when I walked in on a ten minute break last week and saw it had been marked down. Did I mention there was also an additional? So yeah, done and done.
Jacket: J.Crew; Dress: BCBG, Morning Glory; Tights: Forever21; Marly Low Heel Bootie: Coclico; Bag: Kate Spade; Glasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs; Necklace: J.Crew
Adrienne Kwok-Lundy