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travel diary: cologne

Germany, the second to last country of our travels. These pictures bring back so many memories. Cameron and I were just getting into the hang of traveling at this point, and little did we know it would  be over in a week or so.  Cologne was not a part of the original travel plan, but I am so happy we went for it. We had no idea what we were getting into, definitely did not speak a lick of German, and to be honest (or ignorant depending on your sentiment) really did not know anything about Cologne as a city. After our short stay, all I can say is that Germans are extremely nice people; the food is beyond delicious; and this is the country I want to explore on my next European adventure. Maybe I should just start a Kickstarter right now: Germany or Bust! I loved the colorful buildings and beautiful architecture. Cameron and I found the best spiral staircases in this city. A major shoutout to to the two German workers who let us pass by security.  We only had a few days to explore so our excursions were limited. We walked up the Cathedral's 500 steps- well 533 to be exact- to see panoramic views of the city. It was fabulous; however, the violent hail storm that took place during was maybe not so much. We discovered this restaurant Bastians that was so good we ate there twice. I will forever dream about their truffled salami, like woah. This city also had some major shopping going on. Cameron and I went a little nuts. But at that point, we were at four weeks without laundry, so can ya blame us??